
Please also consult our university's excellent resources at


Study Abroad:

Many students of the North American Studies Program spend a year abroad, either in the United States or Canada. Some students spend time in both countries. Throughout the history of our program, students' applications for scholarships offered by the Fulbright Commission, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the Exchange Program of the University of Bonn, have been highly successful. Studies abroad may also include a semester or an academic year at another European university as part of the Erasmus program. For more information, explore the following links: 

DAAD grants for postgraduates36 | Fulbright Commission37 | "Direktaustausch"38 | ERASMUS 39| PROMOS40



Having to work at odd jobs often takes up precious study-time. It is definitely worth a try to apply for a scholarship. Good grades and commitment to a social cause are required for a successful application.

Stipendium plus41 (Begabtenförderungswerke) | Stipendiumlotse42



Work as interns or trainees in the United States and Canada as well as in Germany or other European countries has proven a significant step in our students’ professional careers. These are some of the institutions that have employed students from the North American Studies Program as interns:

U.S. Embassy/ Consulates General43 | United Nations44 | German Marshall Fund45 | Steuben-Schurz-Gesellschaft46 | American Institute for Foreign Study47 (Bonn) | Academy for International Education48 (Bonn) | AmerikaHaus e.V. NRW49 (Cologne) | Internships in Canada50 | DAAD 51| Deutsch-US-Amerikanisches Praktikumsprogramm (DAP)52

Other useful resources:

TOEFL Study Guide53

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