Prof. Dr. Sabine Sielke

Professor of American Studies

Director of the North American Studies Program

Mentor, Foundation of German Business | Vertrauensdozentin, Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (SDW)

© Sabine Sielke

Institutional mailing address
Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Keltologie
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn

Office phone & email
Phone: 0228-73-7664 and -73-9676
Fax: 0228-73-7948 and -73-9674

Office hours
Tuesday, 3:00-4:00 pm, either face to face (Genscherallee 3, 3rd floor, room 3.019 and 3.020) or via phone. In any case, please arrange your appointment with me via email.

Please note that I am away for research and business, visiting the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney from 5 February to 10 April 2025.

© Sabine Sielke

Academic Profile

10/2021-1/2022, Fellow, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg | Hanse Institute for Advanced Study

since 11/2013, Associate, DFG graduate school "Life Sciences, Life Writing: Boundary Experiences of Human Life between Biomedical Explanation and Lived Experience," University of Mainz

since 1/2011, Professor (Chair, W 3), American Literature and Culture and Director, North American Studies Program & German-Canadian Centre, Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies, University of Bonn

2005-9/2013, Board Member, 10/2013-3/2018, Spokesperson, Zentrum für Kulturwissenschaft/Cultural Studies, University of Bonn

3-4/2019, Visiting Scholar, Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Queensland, Brisbane

8-10/2016, DAAD Visiting Scholar at Deutsches Haus, New York University

2005-2016, Associate member of the DFG research group "Popular Seriality – Aesthetics and Practice" (FU Berlin|University of Göttingen)

6/2009-5/2015, member of the Advisory Board, Center for Modernist Studies (CMS), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

6/2010-6/2013, Associate, W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Studies, Harvard University

7/2008-6/2013, Associate, FWF research project "Framing Media: The Periphery of Fiction and Film," University of Innsbruck

2008-2012, Deputy Spokesperson, Zentrum für Kulturwissenschaft/Cultural Studies, University of Bonn

2004-2012, Director, Forum Women and Gender Studies, University of Bonn

winter term 2010-2011, sabbatical, financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG), for work on the book project "Memory, Mediation, Seriality"

9/2001-12/2010, Professor (Chair, W 3), American Literature and Culture and Director, North American Studies Program & German-Canadian Centre, Department of English, American and Celtic Studies, University of Bonn

January 2010, Offer (Ruf) of the Chair for American Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria
2005–4/2009 Non-Resident Fellow, W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Studies, Harvard University

summer term 2001, Professor (C 3), Englisches Seminar, University of Freiburg

9/1999–9/2001, Associate Professor, Seminar für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin

2–8/1999, Senior Lecturer, American Institute, University of Lódz, Poland

10/1997–3/1998, Associate, Department of Afro-American Studies, Harvard University

10–12/1998 and 10/1996–3/1998, Habilitandenstipendium, German Research Foundation (DFG)

1992–1998, Assistant Professor, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

winter term 1995-1996, Visiting Professor (C 2), Seminar für Englische Sprache und Kultur, University of Hamburg

1994–1995, Fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies and of the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research, Harvard University

1987–1988 Scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Brandeis University, post-graduate studies and dissertation research

1986–1987, Lecturer, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

1982–2002, Editing and Technical Assistant, Sender Freies Berlin

1982–1992, Employee, International Office, Freie Universität Berlin

1999, Habilitation (postdoctoral degree), Freie Universität Berlin, Venia legendi "Amerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft"

1992, Dr. phil., American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin

1985, Erstes Staatsexamen in English and Biology

1978-1985, Studies of English and Biology, Freie Universität Berlin and Duke University (Durham, North Carolina)

Mentor, Foundation of German Business|Vertrauensdozentin, Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (SDW): "Regionalgruppe Bonn-Koblenz"

Referee for German Research Foundation (DFG), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Schweizer Nationalfond, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Erwin Schrödinger Stiftung, and other institutions

since 8/2004 Series Editor "Transcription: Cultures – Concepts – Controversies" (Frankfurt: Lang)

since 1/2003 Member of the Editorial Board of Amerikastudien/American Studies

"Memory, Mediation, Seriality: Re-cognizing Literary and Cultural Studies, Re-membering the Subject"

Find out more here1.

"Nostalgie: Zeit-Räume, Affekte, Warenkultur"
"Knowledge Ecologies: Changing Patterns in a Global Dynamic"
"Mimicry as Communication"

Associate member of the DFG graduate school "Life Sciences, Life Writing" (University of Mainz)


See complete list of publications (PDF) here.2

Sielke_Vom Sockel holen_1.2025_Cover.png
© Sabine Sielke

Just published: In her essay "Vom Sockel holen: Geschichtspolitische Konflikte in den USA und Deutschland" Sabine Sielke interrogates interdependencies of current memory politics. 

Books and Editions

Cover Handbook.jpg
© De Gruyter

Handbook of American Poetry

Ed. Sabine Sielke. In collaboration with Björn Bosserhoff.

Find the editor's introduction here: 

© Lang

Nostalgie: Imaginierte Zeit-Räume in globalen Medienkulturen | Nostalgia: Imagined Time-Spaces in Global Media Cultures.

Ed. Sabine Sielke. In collaboration with Björn Bosserhoff.

Frankfurt: Lang, 2017.

Reviewed by Rieke Jordan in American Studies in Scandinavia 50.2 (2018). Link5.

© Winter

Knowledge Landscapes North America.

Ed. Christian Kloeckner, Simone Knewitz, and Sabine Sielke.

Heidelberg: Winter, 2016.
Reviewed by Rieke Jordan in Amerikastudien / American Studies 63.3 (2018). Link7.

New York, New York!
© Lang

New York, New York! Urban Spaces, Dreamscapes, Contested Territories.

Ed. Sabine Sielke. In collaboration with Björn Bosserhoff

Frankfurt: Lang, 2015.

© Winter

American Studies Today: New Research Agendas.

Ed. Winfried Fluck, Erik Redling, Sabine Sielke, and Hubert Zapf.

Heidelberg: Winter, 2014.

Reviewed by Georgiana Banita in Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 65.1 (2017). Link10.

Beyond 9/11
© Lang

Beyond 9/11: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Twenty-First Century U.S. American Culture.

Ed. Christian Klöckner, Simone Knewitz, and Sabine Sielke. In collaboration with Björn Bosserhoff.

Frankfurt: Lang, 2013.

Reviewed by Stefanie Schäfer in Journal of English Philology 132.4 (2014). Link12.

© Lang

Verschleierungstaktiken: Strategien von eingeschränkter Sichtbarkeit, Tarnung und Täuschung in Natur und Kultur.

Ed. Anne-Rose Meyer and Sabine Sielke.

Frankfurt: Lang, 2011.

© Lang

Orient and Orientalisms in US-American Poetry and Poetics.

Ed. Sabine Sielke and Christian Klöckner.

Frankfurt: Lang, 2009.

© Winter

The Body as Interface: Dialogues between the Disciplines.

Ed. Sabine Sielke and Elisabeth Schäfer-Wünsche.

Heidelberg: Winter, 2007.

Gender Talks
© Lang

Gender Talks: Geschlechterforschung an der Universität Bonn.

Ed. Sabine Sielke and Anke Ortlepp.

Frankfurt: Lang, 2006.

reading rape
© Princeton University Press

Reading Rape: The Rhetoric of Sexual Violence in American Literature and Culture, 1790–1990.

Sabine Sielke

Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002.

Reviewed by Christine E. Atkins in College Literature 30.4 (2003). Link18.

Reviewed by Sascha W. Krause in Amerikastudien / American Studies 49.4 (2004). Link19.

Der 11. September 2001: Fragen, Folgen, Hintergründe.

Ed. Sabine Sielke

Frankfurt: Lang, 2002.

Making America: The Cultural Work of Literature.

Ed. Susanne Rohr, Peter Schneck and Sabine Sielke

Heidelberg: Winter, 2000.

Fashioning the Female Subject: The Intertextual Networking of Dickinson, Moore and Rich.

Sabine Sielke

Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997.

“‘We the People’: Populismus und das Selbstverständnis der US-amerikanischen Kultur.” Populismus und Popularität. Ed. Till Dembeck and Jürgen Fohrmann. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2022. 195-211.

“PorNo Revisited? Zu Feminismus, Zensur und den neuen Culture Wars.” Ästhetik(en) der Porno¬graphie: Darstellungen von Sexualitäten im Medienvergleich. Ed. Norbert Lennartz and Jonas Nesselhauf. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2021. 75-96.

“Mind-Mapping monumentaler Erinnerungslandschaften: Martin Luther King und die National Mall.” Was denkt das Denkmal? Eine Anthologie zur Denkmalkultur. Ed. Tanja Schult and Julia Lange. Köln: Böhlau, 2021. 131-40.

“Bodies In and Out of Shape: The Rise of Obesity (Discourses) in Times of Self-Optimization.” Amerikastudien/American Studies. 66.3 (2021): 511-33.

“‘Stronger Together’: The Seriality of Feminism, the Gender of Misogyny, and the ‘Case’ of Hillary Clinton.” Women and U.S. Politics: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Essays in Honor of Hans-Jürgen Grabbe. Ed. Julia Nitz and Axel R. Schäfer. Heidelberg: Winter, 2020. 47-68.

“From ‘Homeland Security’ to ‘Heimat shoppen’: How an Old Longing Has Gained New Cultural Capital, Globally.” Heimat Revisited: Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf einen umstritte¬nen Begriff. Ed. Dana Bönisch, Jil Runia, and Hanna Zehschnetzler. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020. 253-70.

“Minding One’s Own Style: Versions of Singularity, Modes of Mediation, and the Contiguity between Marianne Moore and Susan Sontag.” Revisiting Style in Literary and Cultural Studies: Interdisciplinary Articulations. Ed. Jasmin Herrmann, Moritz Ingwersen, Björn Sonnenberg-Schrank, and Olga-Ludmila Tarapata. Frankfurt: Lang, 2020. 319-33.

“Retro Aesthetics, Affect, and Nostalgia Effects in Recent US-American Cinema: The Cases of La La Land (2017) and The Shape of Water (2018).” Memory, Affect, and Cinema. Ed. Russell Kilbourn. Spec. issue of Arts (2019).

“Strange Animals in Stylish Habitats: Marianne Moore’s Poetry Revisited.” An Eclectic Bestiary: Encounters in a More-than-Human World. Ed. Birgit Spengler and Babette T. Tischleder. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2019. 123-39.

“Der Mensch als ‘Gehirnmaschine’: Kognitionswissenschaft, visuelle Kultur, Subjekt-konzepte.” Die Maschine: Freund oder Feind? – Mensch und Technologie im digitalen Zeitalter. Ed. Caja Thimm and Thomas Christian Bächle. Berlin: Springer VS, 2019. 41-65. 

"Why '9/11 is [not] unique,' or: Troping Trauma21." Trauma’s Continuum: September 11th Re-Considered. Ed. Andrew Gross and MaryAnn Snyder-Körber. Amerikastudien/American Studies 55.3 (2010): 385-408.

"Theorizing American Studies: German Contributions to an Ongoing Debate22." Amerikastudien/American Studies at 50. Amerikastudien/ American Studies 50.1/2 (2005): 53-98. Repr. European Journal of American Studies (2006).

"The Politics of the Strong Trope: Rape and Feminist Debates in the United States23." Violence in the United States. Ed. Jürgen Martschukat. Amerikastudien/American Studies 49.3 (2004): 367-84.

"What Does Man Want? The Recent Debates on Manhood and Masculinities.24Engendering Manhood. Ed. Ulfried Reichardt and Sabine Sielke. Amerikastudien/American Studies 43.4 (1998): 563-75.

13 April 2022
Article about Professor Sielke's time in Delmenhorst25
Delmenhorster Kreisblattes; by Birgit Stamerjohanns
Copyright: DK Medien GmbH & Co. KG - Delmenhorster Kreisblatt, Artikel und Foto: Birgit Stamerjohanns

21 Jan. 2021
Comments on newly inaugurated US Vice President Kamala Harris (audio)26
WDR 3; moderator: Sascha Ziehn

20 Jan. 2021
Live comments on Biden-Harris inauguration (video)27
Phoenix; with Andrew B. Denison/Transatlantic Networks; moderators: Sara Bildau, Michael Kons

25 Nov. 2020
Comments on possible Trump campaign in 2024 (text)
Maischberger.Die Woche - Faktencheck

23 Nov. 2020
Public lecture on statue-toppling and memory culture (video)28
Ruperto Carola Ringvorlesung "Quo Vadis USA?", Universität Heidelberg; moderator: Welf Werner

21 Nov. 2020
Panel discussion on the aftermath of the US election (video)29
Aloisiuskolleg Bonn "FutureLab"; with Ulrich Schlie, Benjamin Becker, Jürgen Trittin, and others

18 Nov. 2020
Article by Katja Iken on Alexander Hamilton (text)30
with comments by Prof. Sielke on debate about controversial memorials
SpiegelOnline link (paywall)

6 Oct. 2020
Interview with General-Anzeiger Bonn on first presidential debate (text)31
conducted by Daniela Greulich

30 Sep. 2020
Comments on first Trump-Biden presidential debate (video)32
Phoenix; with Erik Kirschbaum/LA Times, Elmar Theveßen/ZDF; moderator: Claudia Davies

8 Sep. 2020
Comments on party conventions and Kamala Harris as VP choice (video)33
Web talk series "America Decides", Friedrich Naumann Foundation; with Philip Adorf and Patrick Horst; moderator: Pia Herzan

4 June 2020
Interview on George Floyd protests (audio)34
Deutschlandfunk Kultur; moderator: Sigrid Brinkmann

17 May 2019
Interview on #MeToo and lessons from the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign (audio)35
United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney; moderator: Drew Sheldrick

20 Dec. 2017
Cited in article on nostalgia (text)36
Neue Zürcher Zeitung; author: Simona Pfister

12 July 2016
Interview on President Obama's cultural policy (text)37
Deutschlandfunk Kultur; moderator: Nana Brink

7 Aug. 2015
Interview on role of religion in first Republican presidental primary debate (text)38

6 Nov. 2014
Cited in article on retro phenomena (text)39
Badische Zeitung; author: Nadine Zeller

21 Aug. 2014
Interview on Ferguson protests (text)40

27 Mar. 2012
Interview on Trayvon Martin case (audio, text)41

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