Prof. Dr. Sabine N. Meyer
Professor of American Studies
Co-Director of the North American Studies Program
Institutional Mailing Address
Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Keltologie
Universität Bonn
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Office Location
Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Keltologie
Kaiserplatz 7-9
53113 Bonn
Room 2.011
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Office phone & email
Phone: 0228-73-6898
Office hours
Office hours available upon request. Please schedule an appointment with me via email.

Academic Profile
4/2021 – Professor of American Studies and Co-Director of the North American Studies Program, University of Bonn
3/2023-8/2023: Feodor-Lynen Fellow, Department of Political Science and American Indian Studies Department, University of Minnesota, USA
3/2020-3/2021: Kulturpolitische Koordinatorin, Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL)
3/2020-3/2021: Privatdozentin, Institute for English and American Studies, University of Osnabrück
10/2019-3/2020: Assistant Professor of American Studies (Akademische Rätin auf Zeit), Institute for English and American Studies, University of Osnabrück
10/2016-10/2019: Research position sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) ("Sachbeihilfe"/ Eigene Stelle); research project: "The Claims of History: Native and National Narratives of Land as Property in the U.S." ("Eigentumsgeschichte(n): Land als Eigentum in Indigenen und Nationalen Narrativen in den USA")
4/2016-9/2016: Assistant Professor of American Studies (Akademische Rätin auf Zeit), Institute for English and American Studies, University of Osnabrück
4/2015-3/2016: Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study "Law as Culture" (Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Recht als Kultur"), University of Bonn
4/2011-3/2015: Assistant Professor of American Studies (Akademische Rätin auf Zeit), Institute for English and American Studies, University of Osnabrück; coordinator of the Osnabrück Summer Institute on the Cultural Study of the Law (OSI)
4/2009-4/2011: Senior Lecturer (Lehrkraft f. besondere Aufgaben) in American Cultural Studies, American Studies department, University of Münster
10/2008-3/2009: Senior Lecturer (Lehrkraft f. besondere Aufgaben) in Literary and Cultural Didactics, English Didactics department, University of Münster
2011-2017: University of Osnabrück
Second Book Project (Habilitation): "Visions of Peoplehood and Indigenous Futurity in Native American Removal Literature" (December 2017); Venia Legendi in the field of Amerikanistik/American Studies
1999-2001, 2002-2010: Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz:
Ph.D. in American Studies (supervised by Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung), summa cum laude (2010); Dissertation title: "Hopping on or off the Water Wagon? The Temperance Movement in St. Paul, Minnesota, 1848-1919"
2001-2002: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA:
Graduate courses in American Studies and Immigration History
1999-2005: Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz:
M.A. (Magistra Artium): American Studies, Medieval and Early Modern History;
First State Examination (Teacher's Degree): English, History
4/2023 - : Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers; host institution: University of Minnesota, USA (2023, 2025)
2/2016: Nomination for the Scientific Award of the Federal State of Lower Saxony 2016 in the category "Young Scientists" by the University of Osnabrück
4/2015-3/2016: Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study "Law as Culture" (Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Recht als Kultur"), University of Bonn
6/2014: Nominated for the Hans Mühlenhoff teaching award of the University of Osnabrück
7/2011: Nominated for the award of the Friends of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz for the best dissertation 2010/11
12/2010: Award for the best dissertation in the field of Historical Cultural Studies 2009/10, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
6/2010-3/2012: Participant of Erstklassig!, the Mentoring Program for Excellent Young Academics, University of Münster,
1/2006-10/2008: PhD scholarship by the Cusanuswerk
9/2005: Participation in the Bucerius Seminar in the United States (sponsored by the Zeit Foundation, the GHI in Washington D.C., and the University of Chicago)
4/2001-7/2005: Scholarship by the Cusanuswerk
4/2004-9/2004: Research scholarship by the federal state Rhineland-Palatinate
8/2001-5/2002: Scholarship by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD
4/2023 - : Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers; host institution: University of Minnesota, USA (2023, 2025)
1/2021-12/2022: Three-part booklet series funded by LWL-Kulturstiftung: "Zukunftsthemen der Transformation: Digitalität – Agilität – Diversität" (in cooperation with Institut für Kulturpolitik/Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn)
4/2016-3/2020: Research project ("Sachbeihilfe"/Eigene Stelle) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG): "From Removal to Indigenism: Property Discourses in Native American Removal Literature" as part of the DFG project "The Claims of History: Native and National Narratives of Land as Property in the U.S." ("Eigentumsgeschichte(n): Land als Eigentum in indigenen und nationalen Narrativen in den USA") (together with Prof. Dr. Peter Schneck)
3-10/2012: Funding for the International Osnabrück Summer Institute for the Cultural Study of the Law (OSI): "Culture, Rights, Identity: Interfaces between the Humanities and the Law" by the Volkswagen Foundation
"The “Indian Lid”: Navigating the Legal Uncertainties of Citizenship, Territory, and Jurisdiction in Post-Allotment Minnesota (1905-1916)"
Find out more here2.
"Sonic Colonialism and Indigenous Resistance in North American Literature"
Find out more here3.
"Entangled Lives, Entangled Freedom(s): The Transformative Potential of Contemporary Black Indigenous Expression"
Read more here3.
Native Removal Writing: Narratives of Peoplehood, Politics, and Law. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2022.
Reviews:We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2015 (hardcover), 2018 (paperback).
Michael Hochgeschwender, Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota, Amerikastudien / American Studies 63.4 (2018). Review Hochgeschwender6
Thomas L. Olson, Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota, The Minnesota Legal History Project, March 18, 2018. Review Olson7
Josh Steedman, Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota. H-Midwest, H-Net Reviews. May, 2018. Review Steedman8
H. Paul Thompson, Jr., Review of We Are What We Drin: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota." Journal of American Studies 52.1 (2018): 257-59. Review Thompson9
Gaines M. Foster, Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota." The Journal of Religion 97.4 (October 2017): 574-76. Review Foster10
James E. Klein. Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota. Annals of Iowa 76.1 (2017): 126-27. Review Klein11
Chuck Vollan. Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota. Middle West Review 3.2 (2017): 78-80. Review Vollan12
Bruce Johansen. Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota. Minnesota History (Winter 2016-2017): 157. Review Johansen13
David M. Fahey. Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota. Journal of American Ethnic History 36.1 (Fall 2016): 109-11. Review Fahey14
W. J. Rorabaugh. Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota. Pacific Historical Review 85.4 (2016): 586-87. Review Rorabaugh15
Janet Zollinger Giele. Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota. American Historical Review 121.4 (October 2016): 1286-87. Review Giele16
Lisa M. F. Andersen. Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota. Journal of American History 103.2 (Sept. 2016): 473-74. Review Andersen17
Cayce Myers. Review of We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota. Journalism History 42.1 (2016): 55. Review Myers18
Hoverson, Doug. Review of We Are What We Drink. American Breweriana Journal 199 (Jan./Feb. 2016): 39. Review Hoverson19
Fahey, David M. Review of We Are What We Drink. Choice 53.5 (2016): 794. Review Fahey20
with David Krueger from Marginalia - A Los Angeles Review of Books Channel, Nov. 10, 2015,
with Nick Woltman from the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Read in Brew Town, Premium Section of the St. Paul Pioneer Press Sunday Edition, October 2015, 7-11, 20-23.
"A Brief History of Women in Bars: A Minnesota Story in Three Rounds"; radio-documentary by Katie Thornton, KFAI, June 2020.
Book series/edited collections
Meyer, Sabine N., Birgit Däwes, and Karsten Fitz (general editors). Routledge Research in Transnational Indigenous Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
Meyer, Sabine N., and Henning Mohr. Agilität. Münster: Kettler, 2022.
Meyer, Sabine N., Irina Brittner, and Peter Schneck, eds. We the People? The United States and the Question of Rights. Heidelberg: Winter, 2020.
Meyer, Sabine N., Birgit Däwes, and Karsten Fitz, eds. Twenty-First Century Perspectives on Indigenous Studies: Native North America in (Trans)Motion. New York: Routledge, 2015.
O'Donnell, David. Review of Twenty-First Century Perspectives on Indigenous Studies: Native North America in (Trans)Motion (ed. by Däwes, Fitz, Meyer). Recherche Littéraire/Literary Research 32 (Summer 2016): 133–137. Review O'Donnell22
Journal Articles
"Transculturality and Filmic Practice: Cultural Difference and Transcultural Belonging in Babel (2006)." Zeitschrift für Australienstudien/Australian Studies Journal. Special Issue: Narrating Lives – Telling (Hi)stories: Transcultural Readings 35 (2021): 97-109.
"Die Macht des Erinnerns – 'Deutsche Erinnerungskultur' und (Post-)Kolonialismus", Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen, Themenheft Kulturelles Erbe und Erinnerungskultur, 171.4 (2020): 38-39.
Meyer, Sabine N. "'Poetry [Film] = Anger x Imagination': Intermediality, the Synthesis of Poetry and Film, and Cross-Cultural Belonging in Sherman Alexie’s The Business of Fancydancing." American Indian Quarterly 43.1 (2019): 36-73.
Meyer, Sabine N. "Beware of Positive Images! Non-Native "Revisionist" Film Practice, Visual Literacy, Multicultural Literacy, and the EFL-Classroom." Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 49.1 (2018): 49-64.
Meyer, Sabine N. "From Federal Indian Law to Indigenous Rights: Legal Discourse and the Contemporary Native American Novel on the Indian Removal." Law & Literature 29.2 (2017): 269-90.
Meyer, Sabine N. "'A Strong Antidote against Unbelief and Seduction': Carl Friedrich Scheibler's Leben und Schicksale der Pokahuntas (1781) and the German Theological Enlightenment." Eighteenth-Century Studies 49.3 (2016): 371-89.
Meyer, Sabine N. "The World Was Not Made for Men: Representations of Native Americans in Yakari." Ethnoscripts 15.1 (2013): 86-100.
Meyer, Sabine N. "Decentering Man's Place in the Universe: Yakari and Its Visual Representation of Native Americans." zkmb | online Zeitschrift Kunst Medien Bildung. 20 July 2013. Web.
Meyer, Sabine N. "Transcending Intellectual Nationalism: Teaching U.S. History in German Universities." Journal of American History 96.4 (March 2010). 1094-99.
Book Chapters
Meyer, Sabine N. "'IndigiPolitics': Native American Voters and the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election." Diversity Issues in the USA – Transnational Perspectives on the 2024 Presidential Elections. Ed. Greta Olson, Melanie Kreitler. Bielefeld: transcript, 2024. 55-83.
Meyer, Sabine N., Nina Reuther, and Eldon Yellowhorn. "Vorwort“. Indigene Menschen aus Nordamerika erzählen: Wissen und Geschichten, by Eldon Yellowhorn, Kathy Lowinger. Translated by Nina Reuther, Carlsen, 2024, p. 4.
Meyer, Sabine N., and Stefan Benz. "Zum Verhältnis von Widerstand, Klang und Spiritualität in den indigenen Literaturen Nordamerikas. Eine ambiguitätstheoretische Betrachtung." Ambiguität, Macht und die Formulierung religiöser Identitäten. Ed. Klaus von Stosch, Cornelia Dockter. Freiburg: Herder, 2024. 45-65.
Meyer, Sabine N. "'I was nothing but a bare skeleton walking the path': Biopolitics and Life in Diane Glancy's Pushing the Bear." Biopolitics – Geopolitics – Life: Settler Colonialisms and Indigenous Presences. Ed. René Dietrich, Kerstin Knopf. Durham: Duke UP (accepted for publication, forthcoming May 2023).
Meyer, Sabine N. "COVID-19 as a Magnifying Glass: Native America between Vulnerability and (Self-)Empowerment." Corona Normativities II – The Permanence of the Exception. Ed. Werner Gephart. Frankfurt: Vittorio Klostermann, 2022. 223-50. pdf23.
Meyer, Sabine N. “‘Ein kräftiges Verwahrungsmittel wider den Unglauben und die Verführung‘: Carl Friedrich Scheiblers Leben und Schicksale der Pokahuntas (1781) und die deutsche theologische Aufklärung.“ Blutsbrüder – Der Mythos Karl May im Diorama. Ed. Andreas Brenne. Karl-May-Verlag, 2022. 219-40.
Meyer, Sabine N. "From Domestic Dependency to Native Cultural Sovereignty: A Legal Reading of Gerald Vizenor’s Chair of Tears." Native American Survivance, Memory, and Futurity: The Gerald Vizenor Continuum. Ed. Birgit Däwes, Alexandra Hauke. New York: Routledge, 2017. 119-34.
Meyer, Sabine N. "Law and the Map: Indigenous Art and the Remapping of the Settler State." Law and the Arts: Elective Affinities and Relationships of Tension. Ed. Werner Gephardt, Jure Leko. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2017. 315-40.
Meyer, Sabine N. "Incorporating the Indigenous Rights Subject: Environmental Justice, Human Rights, and Independent Film." Comparative Indigenous Studies. Ed. Mita Banerjee. Heidelberg: Winter, 2016. 83-112.
Meyer, Sabine N. "In the Shadow of the Marshall Court: Nineteenth-Century Cherokee Conceptualizations of the Law." Twenty-First Century Perspectives on Indigenous Studies: Native North America in (Trans)Motion. Ed. Sabine N. Meyer, Birgit Däwes, Karsten Fitz. New York: Routledge, 2015. 148-71.
Meyer, Sabine N., Birgit Däwes, Karsten Fitz. Introduction. Twenty-First Century Perspectives on Indigenous Studies: Native North America in (Trans)Motion. Ed. Sabine N. Meyer, Birgit Däwes, Karsten Fitz. New York: Routledge, 2015. 1-13.
Meyer, Sabine N. "The Marshall Trilogy and Its Legacies." The Routledge Companion to Native American Literature. Ed. Deborah L. Madsen. New York: Routledge, 2015. 123-34.
Meyer, Sabine N. "'Yes, Avatar is Dances with Wolves in space … sorta': Repetitions and Shades of Difference in Two Blockbusters." Remakes and Remaking: Concepts-Media-Practices. Eds. Rüdiger Heinze, Lucia Krämer. Bielefeld: transcript, 2015. 153-70.
Meyer, Sabine N. "Negotiations of Settler Imperialism in American Popular Culture around the Turn of the 20th Century." Provincializing the United States: Colonialism, Decolonization, and (Post)Colonial Governance in Transnational Perspective. Ed. Ursula Lehmkuhl, Norbert Finzsch, and Eva Bischoff. Heidelberg: Winter, 2014. 65-87.
Meyer, Sabine N., and Peter Schneck. "AMERICAN BEAUTY (1999), Sam Mendes (dir.)." Film: Part I. Ed. Laurenz Volkmann et al. Teaching Contemporary Literature and Culture 3. Trier: WVT, 2013. 21-46.
Meyer, Sabine N. "'If you're an Indian, why don't you write nature poetry?' The Environment in Selected Works of Sherman Alexie." Ecology and Life Writing. Ed. Alfred Hornung, Zao Baisheng. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. 143-60.
Chinese Translation: 迈耶, 萨拜恩 N. (Meyer, Sabine N.). "'如果你是印第安人,为什么不写自然诗?'———论谢尔曼·阿莱克西诗选中的摇环境." 生态学与生命写作 [Shengtaixue Yu Shengming Xiezuo]. Transl. Lin Jiang. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press [中国社会科学出版社, Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe], 2016. 145-64.
Meyer, Sabine N. "From Nationalism to Cosmopolitanism? Contemporary Native American Literature and the Transnational Turn." Transnational American Studies. Ed. Udo Hebel. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 283-303.
Meyer, Sabine N. "'Mak[ing] Noble, Law-Abiding Citizens': Scientific Temperance Instruction in American Public Schools." Education and the USA. Ed. Laurenz Volkmann. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011. 71-86.
Meyer, Sabine N. "Writing the Life of a Controversial Historical Figure: Two Biographies of Archbishop John Ireland, 1838-1918." Auto/Biography and Mediation. Ed. Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter, 2010. 377-85.
Review of Kathryn Walkiewicz, Reading Territory: Indigenous and Black Freedom, Removal, and the Nineteenth-Century State (University of North Carolina Press, 2023). American Literary History 36.2 (2024): 608-10.
Review of Gesa Mackenthun, Embattled Excavations: Colonial and Transcultural Constructions of the American Deep Past (Waxmann, 2021). Amerikastudien/American Studies 68 (2023): 274-77.
8/2024, "“Domestic Dependent Nations“ in a “State of Pupilage”: Federal Indian Law’s Foundational Metaphors and Native American Responses," talk, Workshop CFP: An Aesthetic Hermeneutics of the Law? Comparing Religious and Secular Legal Approaches, International Center for Comparative Theology and Social Issues, University of Bonn
7/2024, Workshop "Law & Humanities Workshop," with Prof. Dr. Bryan Wagner, University of Bonn
5/2024, "Indigenous Sonic Sovereignty in Literature and Culture," workshop with Stefan Benz, Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), University of Oldenburg
2/2024: "Entangled Lives, Entangled Freedom(s): The Transformative Potential of Contemporary Black Indigenous Literature," talk, Native American and Indigenous Studies, University of Texas at Austin, USA
12/2023: "Entangled Lives, Entangled Freedom(s): The Transformative Potential of Contemporary Black Indigenous Literature," talk, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2589 "Practicing Place: Soziokulturelle Praktiken und epistemische Konfigurationen," KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
7/2023: book presentation, We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota, Waldmann Brewery, St. Paul, Minnesota
5/2023: book presentation, Native Removal Writing: Narratives of Peoplehood, Politics, and Law, Departments of Political Science and of American Indian Studies, University of Minnesota, USA
2/2023: "Activating the Past to Intervene in the Present: The Aesthetics and Politics of Native American Removal Writing," talk, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2291 Gegenwart/Literatur, University of Bonn
1/2023: "Confronting the 'Impasse': 21st-Century Black Indigenous Literature and Its Imagination of a Black Indigenous Past, Present, and Future," talk, University of Rostock
10/2022: "From Black | Indigenous to Black Indigenous: North American Imaginaries of Past, Present, and Future," Antrittsvorlesung/Inaugural Lecture, University of Bonn
7/2022: response to keynote speaker, conference: "No Trespassing? Property / Theory between the Disciplines," University of Osnabrück
06/2022: Workshop “Sound (and) Political Education? Sonic Dissent as Aesthetic and Political Praxis” (together with Mahshid Mayar), Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), Tübingen
05/2022: "The Henceforward: Envisioning Black-Indigenous Futurities in the 21st Century," talk, conference: Designs of Tomorrow: Indigenous Futurities in Literature and Culture, University of Flensburg
04/2022: "Native Removal Writing: Narratives of Peoplehood, Politics, and Law," talk, Research Colloquium North American History, University of Cologne
04/2022: "Native Removal Writing: Narratives of Peoplehood, Politics, and Law," talk in the Property and Dispossession Speakers Series, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria, Canada
11/2021: "Remapping Native Nations: The Black Freedmen Struggle for Recognition and Tribal Citizenship," talk, (Ent-)Demokratisierung und Machtstrukturen, Workshop, Universität Bonn
7/2021: "'Indian by Blood'? Native American. Communities and the Settler Colonial Politics of Blood," talk, conference: Communities and the(ir) Law, International Conference, Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Recht als Kultur," Universität Bonn
9/2020: "Representations of Native Americans in European Popular Culture," talk, Museum am Rothenbaum (MARKK), Hamburg
1/2018: "The Discourse of Human Rights and the Native American Historical Novel of the 1990s," talk, University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
1/2018: "Forms of Belonging: Contemporary Afro-Native Literature on the Indian Removal and the Cherokee Freedman Debate," talk, University of Augsburg
8/2017: Workshop "Real and Performative Properties: Competing Claims to Citizenship, Indigeneity, and Land,“ together with Prof. Dr. Beth Piatote, 7th Osnabrück Summer Institute on the Cultural Study of the Law
2/2017: Panel moderation, conference "Citizenship and Literature: Past Concerns, Present Issues, Future Trajectories," University of Münster
12/2016: DFG Project Input Workshop, University of California, Berkeley
6/2016: "Indigenous Literature Meets Human Rights: Indigenous Rights Discourses and the Native American Historical Novel," Faculty of Law, University of Hongkong
5/2016: "Beware of Positive Images! A Critical Assessment of Non-Native 'Revisionist' Film Practice," talk, workshop for Teachers "Teaching Native Cultures in Europe," University of Flensburg
5/2016: "Law and the Map: Indigenous Art and the Remapping of the Settler State," talk, Annual Convention of the German Association of American Studies (DGfA), Osnabrück
1/2016: "Law and Literature - Perspektiven auf ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsgebiet," talk, Junges Forum, Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Bonn
1/2016: "Indigenous Literature Meets Human Rights: Indigenous Rights Discourses and the Native American Historical Novel," Forum Recht als Kultur, Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Bonn
12/2015: "'Westward the Jug of Empire Takes Its Way': Temperance Reform in the Midwest until the Civil War," talk, SFB "Bedrohte Ordnungen," University of Tübingen
6/2015: "'I was nothing but a bare skeleton walking the path’: Biopolitics and Life in Native American Removal Literature," talk, conference "Biopolitics – Geopolitics – Sovereignty – Life: Settler Colonialisms and Indigenous Presences in North America," University of Mainz
5/2015: "Conceptualizations of Sovereignty in Postmodern Native American Literature," talk, Lecture Series "Current Issues in North American and Cultural Studies," University of Bonn
5/2015: "From Domestic Dependency to Cultural Sovereignty: Representations of the Law in Postmodern Native American Literature," talk, conference "Laws, Pluralities: Cultures / Narratives / Images / Genders – Pluralitäten des Rechts: Kulturen / Narrative / Bilder / Genders," University of Giessen
3/2015: "'Kill the Indian, Save the Man': Native Filmic Representations of Boarding School Experiences," talk, American Indian Workshop, University of Frankfurt
6/2014: "From Trail of Tears to Chair of Tears: Postmodern Representations of Indian Removal," talk, conference: "Native North American Survivance and Memory: Celebrating Gerald Vizenor", University of Vienna
5/2014: "Protesting Dispossession: Elias Boudinot, John Ross, and their Writings against Removal," talk, American Indian Workshop, University of Leiden, NL
3/2014: "The Properties of Removal in Contemporary Native American Literature," talk, 17th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities (ASLCH), Law School of the University of Virginia
2/2014: "William Shakespeare's Hamlet," Theaterseminar on Hamlet, Akademie Franz Hitze Haus, Münster
1/2014: "Leben und Schicksale der Pokahuntas: Eine amerikanische Indianerprinzessin in einem Roman der deutschen Aufklärung," talk, Interdisziplinäres Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit (IKFN), University of Osnabrück
1/2014: "In the Shadow of the Marshall Court: 19th-Century Native American Writings on Removal," Session "Transnational Indigeneities against the Law," MLA Convention, Chicago
6/2013: "The World Was Not Made for Men: Representations of Native Americans in Yakari", talk, Institute of Ethnology, University of Frankfurt
5/2013: "The Life and Fates of Pokahuntas: Pocahontas Representations in 18th-Century German Literature," plenary lecture, American Indian Workshop, Helsinki
3/2013: "Environmental Justice, Human Rights, and Independent Cinema," talk, 16th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities, Birkbeck Law School, University of London
9/2012: ""Yes, Avatar is Dances with Wolves in space . . . sorta" (J. Cameron): Representations of Indigeneity in Two Blockbusters," talk, conference "Play It Again, Sam – Remakes in Film, Literature, and Art," University of Braunschweig
5/2012: Workshop "Life Writing, Human Rights, and the Humanities," together with Peter Schneck, Annual Convention of the German Association of American Studies, Mainz
4/2012: "Yakari Reloaded: Representations of Native Americans in a Children’s Cartoon TV Series," talk, American Indian Workshop, Zurich
3/2012: "Questions of Ethnicity, Religion, and Identity in the American Temperance Movement," talk, Pacific School of Religion, University of California, Berkeley
6/2011: "William Shakespeare's King Lear," Theater-Seminar, Akademie Franz Hitze Haus, Münster
6/2011: Workshop "Representations of Native Americans: Toward a Transnational Paradigm?" and presentation: "From Nationalism to Cosmopolitanism: Contemporary Native American Studies and the Transnational Turn" Annual Convention of the German Association of American Studies, Regensburg
3/2011: "Environmental Racism: From a Native American to an Inter-American Indigenous Perspective?" talk, 32nd American Indian Workshop, Graz
11/2010: "Cultural Difference or Transcultural Belonging? Identitarian Spaces in Babel (2006)," talk, 2nd Annual Convention of the International Association of Inter-American Studies, Duisburg-Essen
6/2010: "'If you're an Indian, why don't you write nature poetry?' The Environment in Selected Works of Sherman Alexie," talk, conference "Ecology and Life Writing," University of Mainz
6/2010: "Political Business or Artistic Fancydancing? Poetry in Contemporary Native American Film," lecture, Graduate School "Practices of Literature," University of Münster
5/2010: "'This ain't the American dream, this is the Third World': U.S. Capitalist Practices in Powwow Highway," talk, Annual Convention of the German Association of American Studies, Berlin
4/2010: "John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath," Theater-Seminar, Akademie Franz Hitze Haus, Münster
2/2010: "Negotiations of Settler Imperialism in American Popular Culture around the Turn of the Century," talk, 33rd Annual Conference of the Historians in the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), Wittenberg
7/2009: workshop "Multiculturalism and Belonging," conference "Multiculturalism and Beyond: Identity Politics, Cultural Difference, and Hybridity in the Americas," Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld
6/2009: workshop "Moral Education" and talk "'Mak[ing] Noble, Law-Abiding Citizens': Scientific Temperance Instruction in American Public Schools," Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), Jena
10/2008: "We Are What We Drink: The American Temperance Movement and the Construction of Ethnic Identities," talk inaugural Conference of the Interdisciplinary Research Group: "E Pluribus Unum? – Ethnic Identities in Processes of Transnational Integration in the Americas," Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld
2/2008: "Ethnic Strife in an Urban Context: The Temperance Movement in St. Paul, Minnesota," talk, 31st Annual Conference of the Historians in the German Association for American Studies, Wittenberg
7/2006: "Writing the Life of a Controversial Historical Figure: A Comparative Analysis of the Biographies about Archbishop John Ireland (1838-1918)," talk, conference of the International Auto/Biography Association (IABA), Mainz.
Investigator, research project, (Ent-)Demokratisierung und Machtstrukturen (TRA-Research project)
Investigator, Bonn Center for Slavery and Depedency Studies
Associate member, DFG-funded graduate school/DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2291 Gegenwart/Literatur. Geschichte, Theorie und Praxeologie eines Verhältnisses
Principal Investigator, research project "The Claims of History: Native and National Narratives of Land as Property in the U.S." ("Eigentumsgeschichte(n): Land als Eigentum in indigenen und nationalen Narrativen in den USA"), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (together with Prof. Dr. Peter Schneck)
Fellow, Center for Advanced Study "Law as Culture" (Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Recht als Kultur"), University of Bonn, Germany
Radio interview, "Die Geschichte Thanksgivings und das Verhältnis der indigenen Bevölkerung zu Thanksgiving24“ (November 25, 2021); bonnFM
Radio feature "MinneCulture In-Depth – A Brief History of Women in Bars: A Minnesota Story in Three Rounds25" (2020); KFAI radio station, Minneapolis (moderator: Katie Thornton)
Interviews about We Are What We Drink: The Temperance Battle in Minnesota (2015):
Marginalia – A Los Angeles Review of Books Channel (2015)
St. Paul Pioneer Press (2015)