Welcome to the North American Studies Program

Dedicated to the transdisciplinary and comparative study of the United States and Canada, the North American Studies Program provides an innovative space of inquiry into theories and practices of culture, transatlantic relations, and processes of globalization. In both research and teaching, we focus on the interplay of political and economic structures with literary and cultural forms and discourses, the dynamics of race, class, gender, and sexuality, and the interrogation of North America in a global context. Our distinctive strengths are in such areas as literary and cultural theory, Native and Indigenous studies, gender studies and feminist critique, environmental studies, visual culture studies, the intersections of law and culture, and dialogues between cultural studies and the natural sciences.

Established in 1990 as a joint venture of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, the North American Studies Program ranks as one of the best places in Germany to study and do research in the field and has gained an outstanding reputation for its conferences, guest lectures, and lecture series on issues of North American and cultural studies. We foster the education of students who wish to think broadly, work independently, and pursue innovative research projects. Our faculty members are experts in literary and cultural studies, political science, and economics and also include visiting scholars. In addition, students profit from our close cooperation with colleagues in the fields of history and postcolonial studies at the University of Cologne and from our long-standing alliances with U.S. and Canadian universities.

Next Events

Our events will continue throughout April. The program for the lecture series will be announced soon. Please check back for updates.

More Events

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© Sabine Sielke

Just published: In her essay "Vom Sockel holen: Geschichtspolitische Konflikte in den USA und Deutschland" Sabine Sielke interrogates interdependencies of current memory politics. 

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© De Gruyter

Just out: The Handbook of American Poetry, edited by Sabine Sielke and published by De Gruyter in January 2025!

This handbook offers scholars an overview of the state of research and students a sense of how American poetry – from its first forms evolving in the 17th-century settler colonies to its current digital modes – has addressed issues and experiences central to human consciousness and to political life over five centuries of cultural practice. At the same time, it aims to show how poetry, philosophy, and theory have always been involved in productive dialogues.

To find out more, you may explore the editor's introduction. The book itself will be available in our library soon. 

Brown-Bag Lunch with Former Members of Congress
© NAS Bonn

Brown-Bag Lunch Discussion with Former Members of Congress

On November 20, 2024, the North American Studies Program of the University of Bonn, together with its cooperation partners – the AmerikaHaus NRW e.V., the Bonner Akademie für Forschung und Lehre praktischer Politik (BAPP), the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS), and the U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress (FMC) – again had the pleasure of welcoming two former members of the U.S. House of Representatives to Bonn. This year, Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence and Congressman Bob Goodlatte joined us to discuss the results of the recent US presidential and congressional elections in the Bonn Universitätsforum.

Jasper Trautsch
© Jasper Trautsch

Radio interview with Prof. Trautsch on what’s at stake for the transatlantic relationship in the 2024 election

Two days before the election, the national public radio broadcaster Deutschlandradio interviewed Prof. Trautsch regarding the impact of this year’s US presidential election on transatlantic relations, the historical precursors of Trump's nationalism, and the future of the West.


The recording of the radio show “Information und Musik” from November 3, 2024, can be found here: 

© Carlsen

"Indigenous People from North America Tell Their Stories"

Prof. Dr. Sabine N. Meyer, co-director of the North American Studies Program, functioned as a scientific advisor for the German publishing house Carlsen, supporting them with the publication of the Indigenous-authored monograph Indigenous People from North America Tell Their Stories by Eldon Yellowhorn and Kathy Lowinger (in German: Indigene Menschen aus Nordamerika erzählen, Carlsen, 2024). This book, aimed at German children ages 10 and up, provides a lively insight into the contemporary lives, knowledges, and histories of the Indigenous people of North America. Check it out

© WDR. Image Source: https://www1.wdr.de/radio/wdr5/sendungen/zeitzeichen/zeitzeichen-grundsteinlegung-freiheitsstatue-new-york-114~_tag-05082024.html

WDR Radio Broadcast on the History of the Statue of Liberty with Prof. Trautsch as Expert

On August 5, 1884, the cornerstone for the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty was laid. On the occasion of the 140th anniversary of this event, the West German Broadcasting Service (WDR5) aired a radio show, in which the fascinating history of America’s most iconic monument is analyzed and which features an interview with Professor Trautsch.


Here you can listen to the history podcast on the Statue of Liberty:


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© Bryan Wagner

The North American Studies Department welcomes Professor Bryan Wagner as a visiting scholar funded by a Lessenich fellowship

The North American Studies Department is pleased to welcome Professor Bryan Wagner as a visiting scholar funded by a Lessenich fellowship. Professor Wagner will be researching and teaching in Bonn in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Sabine N. Meyer in June and July.

Bryan Wagner is Professor in the English Department and affiliated faculty in the American Studies Program, Folklore Program, and Center for the Study of Law and Society at the University of California, Berkeley.

© Sabine N. Meyer

"Entangled Lives, Entangled Freedom(s)" - Talk by Prof. Meyer at the University of Texas at Austin, USA

On February 26, 2024, Prof. Sabine N. Meyer, Co-director of the North American Studies Program at the University of Bonn, gave a lecture on "Entangled Lives, Entangled Freedom(s): The Transformative Potential of Contemporary Black Indigenous Literature" at the University of Texas at Austin, USA.

Next application phase for our M.A. in North American Studies:

May 13, 2024 until September 2, 2024 (for the winter term 2024/25)


Frauke Grimm
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